Sauron never sleeps!

Sauron's eye now dominates IPv6 address space
All resistance is futile!


Sauron6 is a project, sponsored by University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and FR CESNET via grant number 478R1/2013. The goal of this project is to upgrade Sauron 0.7.3 for dual IPv4/IPv6 world and to offer the results to the Sauron community.

Since September 3, 2014, the upgraded system has been deployed at University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Now, the production version has internal label "Sauron 0.7.4 candidate", but the final name depends on Sauron main developers (if the changes will be accepted).

Some small further development continues on this fork.

New Features

Further development



(c) 2014 Aleš Padrta & Michal Kostěnec
(c) 2016-2023 František Dvořák